Estado: Cerrado


RESOLUTION of November 29, 2022, of the General Secretariat, which approves the call for aid for the operation of privately-managed stage spaces for the year 2023.



Individuals and legal entities that are private companies in the performing arts or music sector, and that meet the following requirements:

- Have a scenic space for which help is requested.

- Have a detailed plan of activities and stable programming of the stage space (covering 2023 and until November 1, 2024).

- Be in possession of the opening license of the stage space.




Eligible expenses:

- Room personnel expenses, including among others, director, administrator, administration staff, cleaning, room technicians, etc.

- Exhibition expenses: cache of companies, workshops, cycles, samples, etc.

- Technical and rental expenses: maintenance or rental of technical material or fixed assets necessary for programming.

- Advertising (posters, programs).

- General expenses: electricity, water, communications, courier services, office supplies, representation expenses, various maintenance, etc.

- Expenses originated by companies: accommodation and travel expenses that are paid to companies for carrying out activities within the room are included.

- Expenses originated by other activities of the room: courses, exhibitions, rehearsals, etc.

- The taxes will be subsidized when the beneficiary of the subsidy actually pays them.

- Financial expenses, legal or financial advisory expenses, notarial and registry expenses and expert expenses for the realization or justification of the subsidized project and specific administration are eligible if they are directly related to the subsidized project and are essential for the adequate preparation or execution thereof.