Photovoltaic solar energy is the direct transformation and production of solar radiation into electricity. It stands out for its versatility and variety, given that its modular appearance allows it to be built from huge photovoltaic parks on the ground to small panels for roofs.

Photovoltaic solar energy is a clean and inexhaustible source of energy and is regulated under a recent Royal Decree published in April 2019, RD 244/2019, which regulates the administrative, technical and economic conditions for self-consumption of electricity.

The use of photovoltaic solar energy for the generation of electrical energy in residential, tertiary buildings, industries is a sustainable solution to cover the demand in the hours of sun and even with the installation of accumulation systems, the demand in hours outside can be covered of the solar range. In addition, today, you can also offset the energy that is generated and not consumed in the electricity bill, so there is a double benefit.

There are several types of photovoltaic installations:

Self-consumption connected to the grid: individual production of electrical energy, as a complement to the grid.

Isolated self-consumption: individual production of electrical energy, as the only source of energy.

Photovoltaic parks: production of electrical energy as a promotion and marketing thereof.

IMPULSA DIRECCIÓN DE PROYECTOS understands photovoltaic self-consumption as a unique and personal tailored suit, since it depends on the consumption pattern of each client, as will the profitability of the installation, therefore the basis of the success of a photovoltaic installation is a good design of installation.

The technical team that forms IMPULSA DIRECCIÓN DE PROYECTOS has the capacity and experience to develop all types of photovoltaic installation projects, since it has a department specialized in energy consulting and engineering specialized in renewable energy projects. Their experience has led them to project more than 30 MWp of self-consumption and 200 MWp of installations connected to the grid in the last year.

They have the ability to fully manage the projects, starting with an optimal design of the installation, properly drafting the project, ordering a correct work management so that there are 0 problems and finally, the processing of the entire installation before the public administration.

In addition, in addition, they can offer the supplier management service where the technical-economic offers of the different installation companies will be evaluated, helping to select the one that best suits the real needs and has the best value for money. This allows them to offer "turnkey" solutions to their clients, working hand in hand with the installation companies and integrating our services into their offer.

For the promotions of large photovoltaic parks IMPULSA DIRECCIÓN DE PROYECTOS has participated in the development of more than 300 MWp of projects at the "utility" level for the generation of renewable electricity, for which its technical team is specialist in processing and management of this type of plants to obtain the "Ready to Build" status.

They have also participated in the detailed engineering of several of these parks, being able to provide a complete construction management service and assistance in purchasing, logistics and quality management.

At present we have a specific team for the own development of large photovoltaic parks and the management of purchase and sale of assets and renewable energy projects, being interested in continuing to acquire project MW in phases of Greenfield, IVA or RTB.


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