25 de Jan 2021
The eligible activities will be the following:
1. Creation of new artisan workshops and improvement of the production processes in the workshops.
The following categories of expenses will be eligible:
- The creation and implementation of new artisan workshops.
- The reform, modernization, conditioning and expansion of existing artisan workshops, including the transfer of production premises.
- The adaptation and equipment of production facilities, improvement of work organization, internal operations and logistics processes, as well as hygiene and safety at work.
- The acquisition of tools, tools, machine tools and equipment, as well as mobile work teams linked to the exercise of the activity.
- The introduction of numerical control systems linked to the exercise of the craft activity.
- Design equipment, including design tools and applications, excluding computers and other electronic devices.
- The acquisition of software to improve the business and commercial management of the artisan company.
2. Improvement of the marketing conditions of artisan products.
The following categories of expenses will be eligible:
- The adaptation of spaces and premises for marketing rooms or attached to the workshop.
- The necessary commercial equipment and furniture, including the decoration, signage and labeling of the sales room.
- The production, edition and reproduction of catalog of products in any type of support.
3. Adaptation of spaces in artisan workshops for apprenticeship training.
The following categories of expenses will be eligible:
- The works to adapt the space for training.
- The acquisition and installation of equipment, tools and basic tools for training.
- The school equipment.
- Technological tools for training.
- The specific didactic resources of the training activity.
Requirements of the beneficiaries:
1. Natural and legal persons, including property communities and other groups without their own legal personality, who are registered in the Register of Artisans and Artisan Companies of the Autonomous Community of Extremadura, may be beneficiaries of the aid.
2. New artisans may be beneficiaries, understanding as such natural or legal persons, including property communities and other groups without their own legal personality, who, not being registered in said Registry, are registered from the time of granting of the aid, under the terms and conditions established in section 2 of article 18 of Decree 53/2015, of 7 April.