Drafting of Projects for Electric Vehicle Charging Points

ELECNOR SA is one of the main global corporations in the development, construction and operation of projects through two large businesses that complement and enrich each other: Infrastructures and Concessions.

The Electric Vehicle Charging Point installation projects can be summarized in the following milestones:

- Adequacy of parking space for the use of the same.

- Carrying out Low Voltage calculations according to ITC BT-52 of the Low Voltage Electrotechnical Regulation.

- Legalization and start-up of the facilities before the General Directorate of Industry, Energy and Mines of the Junta de Extremadura.

- Obtaining all relevant permits and activity license from the corresponding Town Halls.

The completion of the project is approximately 3 months.

Technical features

Location: They have been installed in the town of Villfranca de los Barros.


  • Request for electrical supply.

  • Adequacy of parking space.

  • Obtaining an activity license and legalization of the facilities.

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